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Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 10:36 AM
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Newport McDonalds mini town hall

To the editor, I and my Democratic friend were having coffee the other day when a Republican friend we like joined us. We got around to discussing politics after talking about a dozen other subjects. That of course led to mostly discussions about Trump.

Since the two of us are very hard of hearing and speak loudly, soon everyone around could hear our discussion. There was no anger involved here, we were all able to disagree amicably.

At a table nearby were a middle aged couple from Canada. They came over and joined us for about a half hour. She was a children’s speech therapist, he an Alderman for a small town in Alberta. My friend stated “If Trump gets elected I want to move to Canada.” The Canadian fellow said, “If Trump gets elected, I want to move to the US.” We all had some good laughs over that.

How can we be so divided? In Trumps’ four years, the US went into debt an additional $8.4 trillion, yet the GOP screams national debt is caused by the Democrats. How can Republicans agree with the GOP plan (which Trump just acts dumb about, which is not hard for him) known as “Project 2025”? It includes total elimination of The Department of Education to keep lower classes illiterate and easier to subdue. The Heritage Foundation, the authors of Project 2025 had Trump speak at a function they put on and there he discussed his support. Project 2025 eliminates The Department of Justice and gives presidential power to fire any non loyal government workers without reason. That is just a sample of a 900 page list to be enacted if Trump is elected! How can we elect a president who is the biggest liar to ever step on a stage!

-Roger Castle Newport

Fear is the enemy

To the editor, Riots have broken out throughout the UK involving citizens triggered by another murder by a foreigner, this time of three young girls. While the British are known for having a “long fuse,” they are finally lit up by the chaos following mass migration, which began before our own open borders.

The UK has been crushing free speech for years, but now they are threatening anyone in the international community who dares to post videos of the riots online. British citizens have endured SWAT raids on their homes for “participating in violence online.” Head of the Met Police Sir Mark Rowley warns that “keyboard warriors” could be hit with terrorism charges for inciting riots online, even if they are living abroad. Such “Malicious Communication” includes any content they deem offensive, vulgar, humiliating, threatening, harassing or that may cause stress or anxiety in the recipient. (Thousands of people on X could be subject to criminal prosecution by this all-encompassing dragnet!)

The World Economic Forum admires China’s governance model and urges the world to adopt it. The UK reportedly has more surveillance cameras per person than any other country except China. Connecting the dots, I believe that the UK powers are subverting democracy for communism.

The primary weapon of the global cartels is fear. Human behavior is easiest to manipulate when a person’s rational thinking capabilities are paralyzed with fear. Hence their strategy seems to be ignoring criminals wreaking havoc while threatening ordinary citizens with prison for speaking out.

Technically, our First Amendment rights allow us to criticize our government and its policies. These days our rights often appear to be little more than words on paper. What’s happening in Europe will likely happen in our country unless we fearlessly stand up and demand that powers respect our rights.

-Kamori Cattadoris Newport

The Bible

To the editor, Why should you believe the Bible is True and Real?


Truth – There is no archaeological discovery that has contradicted the truth of the Bible.

Wisdom – when you apply a Truth from the Bible, your life improves dramatically.

Accuracy – We have the most accurate and transparent historically robust account that one can have of Jesus of Nazareth.

Jesus of Nazareth – The most important figure ever to live in the history of the world.

Genesis 1:1 – If this chapter of the Bible and the Resurrection is true, everything in the Bible is possible.

Resurrection – If the Resurrection is not true, show me another historical piece of a story where so many people willingly died a brutal death for a lie.

Give it a try! Start with the New Testament, perhaps the Gospel of John. It will change your life!

-Jackie Domke Priest River

Economy under Biden doing well

To the editor, During the Biden/ Trump debate on CNN Trump made the following statement about inflation, “You look at the cost of food where it’s doubled and tripled and quadrupled. They can’t live. They’re not living anymore. He [Biden] caused this inflation.”

We all know by now to not believe statements like this, but I became curious about just how much higher food prices are now versus at the beginning of the Biden administration. And this figure was reported this week. It’s 20%. A long way from the percentages stated by Trump in the debate. Equally impressive is the current performance of the economy: unemployment rate 4.3%, unemployment claims down this month, and everyone seems to be expecting the FED to lower interest rates next month.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not pleased with a 20% increase in food prices. But when it comes to the overall economy, I don’t think Republicans have a very good argument. -Sandy Nichols Newport

Dollars in your wallet

To the editor, It was announced that the long-awaited agreement with participating manufacturers to decrease drug costs has been completed. This agreement lowers drug prices for the first 10 drugs selected for the Medicare drug price negotiation program. The price reduction applies to Medicare Part D medications and will be effective in 2026.

If you use Eliguis [blood thinner], Januvia [diabetes], Enbrel [arthritis] the cost to you will decrease from 79% to 39%. These are only three examples of the 10 medications listed under the Medicare negotiated price. It is reported nine out of 10 individuals over 65 take one of the listed medications. Estimated saving to Medicare will be $1.5 billion in the first year.

Medicare instituted this price reduction agreement through passage of the Inflation Reduction Act [IRA]. Yes, the IRA was proposed and passed under the Biden administration. Vice President Harris provided the tie breaking vote in the Senate. Republicans opposed the IRA.

Thank you, President Biden and Vice President Harris. Remember this when you vote in November. -Robert W. Schutte Newport

Race and politics

To the editor, It’s time to consider what political race means. That’s using a candidate’s race as a reason to vote for or against them. The trouble is that races have mixed and produced mixed race candidates. It’s difficult to look at a person and pin a race on them based solely on their appearance. A White person who tans in a booth or on the beach can appear to be part Black or Brown. Same goes for a White person who sprays orange makeup on their face to hide their bland white skin.

We are only taking about political race because Trump appeals to voters who would like to go back to the days when races didn’t mix. The idea to preserve the white majority in America. Trump voters praise their racist candidate as he has given them permission to express their own racism.

MAGA implies treating people like pure breed pets. Whites breed only with Whites and Blacks breed only with Blacks. In the 1967 movie: “Guess who’s coming to dinner” a Black husband is taken to dinner at his wife’s White parents’ home. At the time interracial marriage was illegal in 17 states.

Calling out candidates by their race mix and demanding they choose between the race of one parent isn’t acceptable today unless you MAGA your way down a deep dark hole in the ground.

The political implication is that our community can only have White, Christian, Republicans as they are in the majority. People that don’t like that premise don’t belong and should move to a place to be with their own kind. A race divided America is a simple construct. I am writing this in 2024 not 1967. America is going politically backwards after 57 years. Trump and Vance are just racist fear mongers for a pure White America.

-Pete Scobby Newport

Lots of creativity opportunities here

To the editor, Last Friday, my husband and I attended a reception to welcome new artists at Vessel Gallery and Clay Studio in Newport, which is owned and operated by Angela Drew. It was open to the public and there was food, drinks, live music and a wonderful variety of work by local artists and craftspeople on display. It was a delightful event and a reminder of how many talented people live here.

At this very minute people throughout our community are creating. They are drawing, painting, woodworking, doing ceramics, stitching, constructing, collaging, photographing, printmaking. People are expressing themselves in unique, interesting and beautiful ways. Vessel Gallery gives us all the opportunity to see what people around us are doing. We can purchase gifts that are made by the people in this community, get ideas or simply look and admire. Why not stop by the gallery on your way through town or on your lunch break or when you’re meeting friends for a meal or a walk?

We are so fortunate to live in a quiet beautiful place that offers so many opportunities for creativity. The arts bring people together so they can share ideas and knowledge. Vessel offers clay classes and camps in addition to the ongoing art exhibits. CREATE Arts Center has classes, workshops, concerts and special events.

Newport now has its own Creative District. Let’s all support and celebrate the arts.

-Deborah Stafford Newport


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