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Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 12:42 PM
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Free food distribution Sept. 5

NEWPORT – A free food distribution will take place Thursday, Sept 5, from 10 a.m. to noon at American Lutheran Church at 332801 Highway 2 in Newport.

The drive-thru mobile market will provide food for up to 250 families. No appointment of documentation is required.

Annual, seasonal road closures coming

COEUR D’ALENE – As hunting season approaches, the Idaho Panhandle National Forests (INF) reminds the public that the forest’s Motor Vehicle Use Maps include a schedule of annual, seasonal road and trail closures, with many going into effect in the Fall.

The IPNF encourages anyone traveling forest roads after mid-August to check the Seasonal and Special Vehicle Designations table on the MUM prior to planning their trip. MUMs for each district on the IPNF can be found online and for free at ranger stations.

The closures are for the benefit both of large game species including elk, and the people who hunt them; as well as to other large species like grizzly bears that require vast non-motorized landscapes.

On the Bonners Ferry, Priest Lake, and Sandpoint districts, closures are focused on meeting the secure habitat needs for grizzly bears, while on the Coeur d’Alene River and St. Joe districts, closures are for elk security.

Users can expect gates to be locked on routes where seasonal closures are in effect, but the routes remain open for non-motorized use.

Violations can be reported to the Forest Supervisor’s Office at 208-765-7223.


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