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Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 12:55 PM
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EDITOR’S NOTE: The police reports, taken from dispatch logs provided to The Miner by law enforcement agencies, are not intended to be an exact report, but rather a comprehensive list of police calls in Pend Oreille and West Bonner counties. Dispatch also fields calls for the Kalispel Tribe’s property in Airway Heights.

Certain police calls are generally omitted because of space constraints. These include, but aren’t limited to ambulance calls for illness, unfounded alarms, traffic stops, dogs at large, abandoned vehicles, 911 hang–ups and civil standbys. All dispositions for the police reports are assumed to be active, assists or transfers at press time.



NOISE COMPLAINT: E. 4th Ave., Metaline Falls, person reports hearing neighbor screaming and yelling, possibly playing a video game, been going on for a while.

BURGLARY: Timber Creek Rd., Newport, report that shop entered and 5 gallon gasoline taken.

ARREST: Gray Rd. & Hwy. 2, Paul G Kehoe, 60, of Newport was arrested for driving under the influence.

BURGLARY: Joyner Drive E., Cusick, report of bicycle stolen from garage sometime in the last few months.

ANIMAL PROBLEM: Pine Drive, Cusick, report that neighbors’ dogs keep coming up to their property.

FIRE SMOKE ONLY: Hwy. 20, report that about 2 miles up Cusick Creek where makes a hairpin turn person can see smoke.

ASSAULT: Yergens Rd., Newport, report that subject pushed his fiancé down and assaulted him.

MOTOR VEHICLE CRASH: Hwy. 20, Cusick, report that vehicle flipped off roadway into the trees, unknown injuries.

CUSTODIAL INTERFERENCE: W. Kelly Drive, report of child custody issues.

VIOLATION OF ORDER: Allen Rd., Elk, report that respondent in order is blocking her employee’s vehicle.

SUSPICIOUS VEHICLE: Veit Rd., Newport, report of RV parked on property.

SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES: Sullivan Lake Rd., report of subjects trespassing on private property.

VIOLATION OF ORDER: Betty Mae Way, Newport, report that respondent has been calling and texting, saying he is nearby the residence,

ANIMAL PROBLEM: LeClerc Rd. N., Cusick, report that horses are out.

SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES: Snyder Hill, Ione, report of subjects at Snyder hill in clear cut w/ flashlights possibly poaching.

TUESDAY, AUG.20 FIRE: Cusick Creek Rd., report that fire from yesterday appears to have jumped the hand dug fire line, DNR is notified.

SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES: Calicoma Rd. person reports that there are three males “watching” her and her family while they are camping.

HARASSMENT: W. 7th St., person reports she is being harassed over Facebook, TikTok and phone.

ARREST: S. Union Ave., Newport, Terrell S. Miller, 36, of Spokane was arrested for trespassing.

FIRE SMOKE ONLY: Hwy. 20, Cusick, report of smoke in the area.

NOISE COMPLAINT: Greggs Rd., Newport, person requests to speak to deputy about neighbor continually firing off a cannon.

FOUND PROPERTY: W. 1st St., report of found property.

INTOXICATION: W Walnut St., Newport, report highly intoxicated male drove to clinic, they don’t know what to do because they are now closed but they don’t want him driving away in his vehicle.

TRESPASSING: Hwy. 20, Newport, report that subjects were trespassing on his property on bicycles.

ERRATIC DRIVER: Hwy. 20, report of silver Honda Civic swerving all over the roadway.

SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES: LeClerc Rd. N., Cusick, person reports that while fishing approx. 20 feet from a dock at above address, male comes outside on his own property completely naked says hi and is now currently swimming.

ARREST: Deer Valley Rd., Newport, Vincenzo Joseph Foster, 31, of Colville was arrested on an out of county warrant.


ARREST: W. 6th St., Newport, Michele Leigh Springsteen, 57, of Newport was arrested for theft from a vulnerable adult. TRANSPORT: Newport Dental, Newport, transport inmate.

AGENCY ASSIST: Pow Wow Park Rd., assist to catch injured eagle.

ARREST: W. 7th St., Jeanynes Doris Bell, 30, of Newport was arrested on warrants.

ARREST: N. Spokane Ave., Newport, Eric Christopher Ross, 53, of Newport was arrested on multiple warrants.

ARREST: Grizzly Loop, Newport, Charles Daniel Shaw, 39, of Newport was arrested on an out of county warrant.

ANIMAL NOISE: S. Washington St., Metaline Falls, report of dog barking “nonstop” in this area, has been reported multiple times.

SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES: Northshore Diamond Lake Rd., report that mail service delivered packages to wrong house, caller has photo of delivery and residents there are saying they don’t have the package.

TRESPASSING: Veit Rd., Newport, report of subjects trespassing on property in trailer from previous call.

VIOLATION OF ORDER: LeClerc Rd. N., Cusick, report that male keeps coming by and violating order.

ERRATICE DRIVER: W. Walnut St., Newport, report of erratic driver, heavy lane travel, just nearly ran into oncoming traffic.

ARREST: Monumental Way, Cusick, Miranda R Mesteth, 35, of Newport was arrested on a warrant and Daniel A. Martin, 30, of Cusick.

HARASSMENT: W. 2nd St., Newport, report of a group of subjects in white car were harassing him.


VEHICLE PROWL: W. Walnut St., Newport, report of items taken out of vehicle.

MOTOR VEHICLE CRASH: Hwy. 2, report of 2 vehicle accident, unknown injuries.

ILLEGAL BURNING: Beehive Lane, report that there is possibly campfire by house.

SEX OFFENSE: S. Washington Ave., Newport, report of a sex offence.

ANIMAL PROBLEM: S. Warren Ave. & W 4th, Newport, report of 2 dogs running loose chasing people and cars.


W. Wisconsin Ave., report of possible violation of a protection order.

SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES: S. Union Ave., Newport, person would like male trespassed.

MALICIOUS MISCHIEF: W. 8th St., report that male across street took pole out of the ground and broke window of car.

SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES: S. Union Ave., Newport, report that trailer was broken into and someone has been living inside.

ERRATIC DRIVER: Hwy. 2, report of truck driving erratically.


reports hearing a women scream.

SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES: W. Walnut St., Newport, report of third party report of male trying to get into mailbox.

SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES: W. Walnut St., Newport, report of female acting strangely.


DISTURBANCE: Honeysuckle Drive, report of male yelling and making threats.

INMATE TRANSPORT: W. Pine St., Newport, transport inmate to hospital.

THEFT: S. Union Ave., Newport, report of parts taken from appliances that were delivered yesterday.

BURGLARY: Fair View Rd., report of residence broken into.

TRAFFIC OFFENSE: S. Scott Ave., report of vehicle speeding in area.

THEFT: W. 7th St., report of solar light stolen and planter moved in past few days.

THREATENING: Hwy. 2, report that female in passenger seat PULLED GUN ON COMPLAINANT.

TRESPASSING: Roberts Drive, report that male was trespassing and threw tree branch at complainant’s car.

UTILITY PROBLEM: Jared Rd & Hwy. 211, WSP on scene of tree on power line is arcing.

PROPERTY DAMAGE: N. Warren Ave., Newport, report that tree fell on employee’s car.

UTLILITY PROBLEM: LeClerc Rd. N., report of tree on line in this area.

TRAFFIC HAZARD: Hwy, 20, report of tree blocking one lane.


Spruce St., report of female digging in lot and throwing things over fence.

SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES: Willms Rd., report that male is loading vehicles onto a car trailer in this area.

ILLEGAL BURNING: Veit Rd., report of large bonfire in area.


VEHICLE PROWL: W. 1st St., Newport, report that it looks like someone attempted to hotwire vehicle, items missing.

BURGARLY: Westside Calispel Rd., report of pumphouse broken into.

SEX OFFENDER POST: Notify community of sex offender.

SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCE: Quail Loop, report of residence broken into.

ARREST: S. Garden Ave., Newport, Justin Dean Akers, 34, of Priest River was arrested on a warrant.


SUSPICIOUS VEHICLE: Monumental Way, report of suspicious vehicle in area.


& N. Scott, report that person in vehicle threw a drink at him while walking.

ILLEGAL BURNING: Clear Creek Drive, report of large slash pile in the area.

ILLEGAL BURNING: Hwy. 2, report of slash pile along the highway.


HARASSMENT: N. Warren Ave., Newport, report of harassment on Facebook and phone from family and friends.

TRESPASSING: Huntley Lane, report that neighbors are trespassing and stealing logs from property.

VIOLATION OF ORDER: Allen Rd., report of issue with respondent in protection order.


Houghton St., report that respondent in protection order over at residence.

ANIMAL PROBLEM: Southshore Diamond Lake, a verbal warning was given of goats loose in area.

LITTERING: Green Rd., report of vehicle dumping garbage on side of road.

ERRATIC DRIVER: Hwy. 211, report of vehicle with poor lane travel.

TRESPASSING: Wapiti Lane, report that subject drove behind locked gate on property.

JUVENILE PROBLEM: W. Kelly Drive, Newport, report of issue with juvenile son and drugs.

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: Main St., report that husband has hit complainant several times today.

ILLEGAL BURNING: Nicholson Rd., report of large slash pile burning.



MALICIOUS MISCHIEF: Osprey Lane, Priest River, report of a damaged sign.

ACCIDENT: Hwy. 2, Priest River, report of hit and run.

SEX OFFENDER FAILING TO REGISTER: Priest River, a non-compliant sex offender was placed under investigation in Bonner County.

SEX OFFENSE: Blanchard


ACCIDENT INURIES: Hwy. 41, Spirit Lake, report of an injury accident.

MALICIOUS MISCHIEF: Glidden Ave., Priest River


NON INJURY ACCIDENT: Eastriver Rd., Priest River

ASSIST OTHER AGENCY: Vay Rd., Priest River


SEX OFFENSE: Priest River ACCIDENT INJURIES: Spirit Lake Cutoff, Spirit Lake

FRAUD: Merry Lane, Oldtown VEHICLE FIRE: Dolly Sods Lane, Blanchard

ARREST: E. Valley St. S., Oldtown, Keira Angel, 18, was arrested for misdemeanor warrants.

UNLAWFUL ENTRY: Peninsula Loop, Priest River


TRAFFIC HAZARD: Hwy. 57, Priest Lake

FRAUD: Hwy. 57, Priest Lake HUNTING&FISHING VIOLATIONS: Hwy. 41 and Old Priest River Rd., Oldtown


MARINE INCIDENT: Kalispell Island Shore, Priest Lake, dispatched to a boat that was swamped near Kalispell Island, Priest Lake.

THREATENING: Blanchard TRESPASSING: Roberts Lane, Blanchard

NON INJURY ACCIDENT: Klein Lane, Oldtown, an 18-year-old Priest River man was cited and released for driving under the influence, possession of marijuana and possession of paraphernalia following a traffic accident.


UNKNOWN INJURY ACCIDENT: Elkins Rd. & Reeder Bay Rd., Nordman


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