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Monday, September 16, 2024 at 11:21 PM
The Miner - leaderboard


For the children

To the editor, “When a lifelong Democrat, from an iconic Democrat family, who tried to run as a Democrat, and whose running mate was a Democrat, warns you about the dangers of voting for a Democrat in this election, you should probably listen.” ~ Brett Hensley on Telegram RFK Jr. recently announced he is joining forces with Donald Trump, symbolically forming the “Unity Party” (as opposed to the “Uniparty” of globalists infiltrating both parties). I contributed to RFK Jr’s presidential campaign as the only True Democrat. (Remember when the Democratics were the party for the working class? Defended free speech rights and advocated for the end to endless wars?) This is so much more than politics – I believe it’s the beginning of a great political realignment to take back our country from the saboteurs who would destroy us from within.

I was moved by RFK Jr’s address to the nation wherein he expressed his deep concern for our country’s future and his passion to protect children from the harms caused by overmedication and the slow-poison of contaminated industrial “food.” In his interview with Tucker Carlson, he passionately described how focusing on the carbon footprint hoax conveniently takes the focus off of polluting industries that destroy air and water quality with impunity, which severely impacts child development. Above all, he wants the opportunity to restore the health of American children – and adults – which must be accomplished at the policy level.

It’s not just RFK Jr; former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard also stepped forward to endorse Trump, explaining, “Trump will walk us back from the brink of nuclear war.”

Joining forces with Trump, notwithstanding their ongoing differences, was the clear way forward to accomplish these tasks and to help bridge the polarized gap.

A vote for Trump is a vote for our children’s future!

-Kamori Cattadoris Newport

Matthee takes a stand

To the editor, Karen Matthee is not afraid to let voters know where she stands on key issues. And she makes clear she supports Proposition 1, the ballot initiative that would create open primaries and ranked-choice voting.

She says it would take power from political parties and give it to voters, where it belongs. Voters will be able to vote for the person, not just the party. And it would mean public servants would have to listen to and serve a broader spectrum of voters.

Opponents like to make ranked choice voting look complex, but it’s not. It’s a myth propagated by the far right. As Matthee says, “You simply choose the candidate that you love, the one you like, and the one you can live with.” It’s simple, avoids costly runoff elections, and guarantees that winners are supported by the majority of all voters, not just those who vote in May.

Scott Herndon is a well known opponent of this initiative because it threatens his ability to get himself and other people elected who have extreme agendas. Who else is worried about their ability to win a majority of votes from Bonner County voters?

Prop 1 is the right thing to do for democracy. And candidates should be clear about where they stand on these important issues before we go to the polls. That is just one reason why I am voting for Karen Matthee for House Seat 1A on Nov. 5th.

-Lee Christensen Sandpoint

Why Gentle and Smiley are the right choices

To the editor, I fully endorse John Gentle and Brian Smiley for Pend Oreille County Commissioner.

Their undying support for the North End is above measure. With the border closing at 4 p.m., the north end has seen a significant loss in economic growth. Both commissioners have worked with residents, nonprofits and agencies to see what can be done to help the three struggling towns.

Their leadership and knowledge of the county and what the resident’s concerns are, do not go unnoticed.

Moreover, these candidates are highly qualified for re-election, because of their principles of moving Pend Oreille County in a positive direction.

Finally, Gentle and Smiley will surely exceed your expectations as commissioners.

For these reasons, I strongly support selecting John Gentle and Brian Smiley for Pend Oreille County Commissioners.

If you have any further questions about their qualifications, please don’t hesitate to let me know.

-Kelly Flanagan Clerk Metaline PORTA President Chair Parks and Recreation EDAC Board Member CEC Board Member Vice President American Legion Auxiliary Metaline Beautification Board Resident

Trump continues to sink lower

To the editor, Wow. I cannot honestly believe how Trump has sunk. I knew he was a crook for a long time. He disgusts me with the sickening lies and his playing the innocent victim. He loves being a bully to women, disabled and weaker people. We need to let this crook know we have had enough of his lies and treasonous behavior. He is terrified of Kamala and Tim Walz because they are honest and having a great time meeting people and answering questions.

Trump wants everyone to give him softball questions or he will take his lies and super sized red tie and run away.

I would say he can’t get any lower but he always does. Nothing is sacred to him.

There is an intelligence test in November 5th, we call it an election! We are lucky to be able to do mail in ballots so we don’t need to worry about being threatened by the right wing crazies at the polls as in other states. Make your vote count!

-Jeannie Hutchins Newport

Tariffs are much worse plan than price control

To the editor, In a recent letter to The Miner, a writer assailed the Harris plan to control prices. The writer went on to say this approach had been used in the Soviet Union (true) and that it had a disastrous effect on the economy. But you don’t have to go to Russia to provide an example. I remember when in 1971 Richard Nixon imposed a price and wage freeze (that’s right, your wages too!) and Nixon was a Republican, not a lefty Democrat. Nixon’s approach did not work well and was abandoned. But initially the freeze was widely approved by the public and the stock market rallied in response. If you Google Cato Institute and Nixon price freeze you will find an excellent article by Gene Healy about how this worked.

A much worse idea is Trump’s plan to impose import tariffs by 10%. As reported by the Tax Foundation, “Candidate Trump has proposed significant tariff hikes as part of his presidential campaign; we estimate that if imposed, his proposed tariff increases would hike taxes by another $524 billion annually and shrink GDP by at least 0.8 percent, the capital stock by 0.7 percent, and employment by 684,000 full-time equivalent jobs.” That is indeed a very bad idea.

-Sandy Nichols Newport

Opposing all growth irresponsible

To the editor, Our community has two elements that prevent us from growing and becoming more sustainable. One of those elements is a group called Responsible Growth and the other is hydroelectric power sucking crypto currency mining.

The Responsible Growth organization’s mission is to block all forms of development in our community. I see them as living on top of a mountain looking down and telling everyone to get off their land. They choke the life out of our community by opposing all forms of growth, which isn’t responsible in any way. The latest tirade was a letter opposing developing a public park. My grandkids visit every summer and after a trip to the wonderful Kalispel Tribe Camas Center and a milkshake at Owens Market, Pend Oreille County has little to offer and it’s off to Silverwood, Spokane and Canada. A good friend invites us to recreate on Diamond Lake from their home and boat dock.

Recreation is essential for any thriving community and opposing the development of public parks and facilities is just selfishness to the nth degree. I wonder if Responsible Growth would object to a 10-foot high solid wall being placed on each side of US-2 to provide a tunnel-like bypass of Pend Oreille County. In a few years, guided tours of our ghost community would be a tourist attraction.

The other element is somewhat new and replaces nearly all potential commercial enterprise by sucking the electrical energy from our community. The crypto miners must be working with Responsible Growth as there is little power left in the local grid for any other commercial development. When I drive by a former commercial building full of crypto machines it’s like looking at gravestones in a cemetery. Covered windows and fences are the trademark of foreign crypto speculators that have invaded our community.

-Pete Scobby Newport


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