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Tuesday, January 28, 2025 at 4:16 PM
The Miner - leaderboard


Voting for Johnson, Bonner County

To the editor, I am pleased to have the opportunity to cast my vote for Steve Johnson for Bonner County Commissioner, District 1. Steve is a lifelong resident of Bonner County and an active member of our community. As an educator, farmer, library trustee, youth coach and in many more roles, Steve is a part of the community and knows its needs.

Steve realizes that people need to be heard, valued and treated with respect. One of his goals is to return those values to the board of county commissioners. Replacing the contention and disrespect recently displayed by commissioners to each other and the public would be one of Steve’s goals.

Steve is cognizant of the rapid growth of the area and understands the need for a comprehensive plan that preserves our rural quality of life and embraces development that enhances the community. This includes improving roads and bridges and being sure that taxpayer dollars are spent wisely and to improve tax payer lives and the infrastructure of the county.

Steve will work to preserve your individual freedoms, including responsible gun ownership, and the way of life we all cherish in Bonner County. And he will do it with a smile!

-Sherry L. Ennis Sandpoint

How can any Veteran or families of Veterans support Donald


To the editor, An employee at Arlington National Cemetery was shoved by Trump staffers attempting to exploit a respectful/solemn ceremony for campaign propaganda. My Aunt, an “Arlington Lady,” for 34 years knows the assaulted woman. Protocol is explained aforehand and strictly followed.

Trump gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom to someone who gave him $170 million, saying “… the equivalent of the Congressional Medal of Honor … civilian version … better because everyone gets the CMOH … soldiers… They’re …. in… bad shape… or… dead.”

Trump belittled a slain, Goldstar soldier’s parents because they’re Muslim.

Trump said tortured POW John McCain, “not a war hero. I like people who were not captured.”

Trump refused to visit Aisne-Marne American Cemetery to honor American Unknown Soldiers because “feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain.” John Kelly, White House COS quotes Trump saying the soldiers in the cemetery were “losers and suckers.”

While my dad was shipping-out for Vietnam, DT paid some doctor to say he was unfit for duty. His bone spurs don’t keep draft-dodger, rich boy Trump off of the golf course.

VoteVets, a veterans’ PAC, claimed in a statement, “DT hates Veterans and their sacrifice, because he looks so small in comparison to them.”

-Betty Gardner Priest River

Larson is a candidate for the people

To the editor, Some candidates run for government office because they feel called to improve the life of the citizens they serve. Such is the case with Kathryn Larson who “never thought she would be involved in politics.” Now having spent time with her, it is apparent that her priority is the everyday lives of the people of North Idaho. She supports libraries and schools and was involved in the Priest River Recall campaign. She led the project, “Library Love Letters” in support of local libraries which have been under fire from the IFF (Idaho Freedom Foundation).

Kathryn is running as a Democrat against Cornell Rasor who has signed the IFF oath to represent their agenda, not necessarily what is right for the people of North Idaho. That our representatives are undermining our schools and libraries is madness. Larson has continued to reach out to Republicans who do not support the IFF and has continued to garner their support. So, take the time to meet Kathryn Larson. You will be impressed with her intelligence, foresight and ability to listen. Her background makes her an ideal candidate to reach across the aisle and get things done. Please pay attention to voting records before casting your ballot. KathrynlarsonforIdaho. com.

-Jane Hoover Priest River

Pastor Pete

To the editor, Just when I thought we had heard all the ridiculous, lame brain, partisan, small minded, left wing rants possible from this self proclaimed smartest person in the room, he comes up with more hypocrisy and gas lighting, plus he now tells us how Republican Christians are supposed to act.

Oddly he did not mention Catholic Democrats’ pro-abortion stance, lies from the Democratic candidates, the targeted hate from left wing media and democratic congress people. Seems like Pastor Pete checks all the boxes he accuses Mr. Trump of himself, except the blatant lies of P.P. when he speaks of deportation of immigrants but fails to mention the word illegal immigrants, roughly 15 million allowed into our sovereign country by border Czar candidate Harris. The rest of Pete’s comments reflect his weekly hate for Mr. Trump as well as his incurable (TDS). Best wishes in your Seminary.

-K.C. Hunt Newport

More in the past

To the editor, I have been reading a history book recently, “Democracy Awakening” by Heather Cox-Richardson, and learned that in 2017 a document authored by H R Haldeman had been found. It confirmed long-held suspicions that President candidate Nixon in 1968 had secretly sabotaged the VietNam peace talks in order to further his campaign. He won the election but the war continued for several more years. Lots more lives lost.

I think we saw an updated version of this strategy, to sabotage the good of us all to benefit a presidential campaign. Earlier this year we finally had a bipartisan bill to address some of our immigration problems and it looked like it would pass, Trump then called members of Congress and told them to kill the bill so he could continue to peddle immigration as a failing of the Biden administration. I guess he thinks we don’t really care if he shafts our country to further his cause. Funny thing though, he wants to blame the Biden administration but the real culprits are the Republicans who took their marching orders from Trump. Are we really going to buy this? I don’t!

-Sandy Nichols Newport

Vote Conroy for Congress

To the editor, Carmela Conroy is a third generation Eastern Washingtonian from union, working class roots. She worked her way through college and law school to become a Deputy Prosecutor for Spokane County. After that she had a career as a Foreign Service Officer that included extensive work with the military.

Conroy is running for the 5th Congressional District position in order to break down the gridlock that muffles the voice of Congress. She wants to protect personal freedom and the rights of the individual. She will support common sense legislation that aims to lower the cost of childcare, housing, and prescription drugs. With her Foreign Service background, she will bring both knowledge and strength to discussions of our country’s security and the global marketplace.

Carmela Conroy will not only work for Eastern Washington, but she will also bring common sense to Congress so it can function reliably for all Americans.

-Martha Nichols Newport

Interesting times

To the editor, I don’t mind when someone challenges something I have written in a letter (Greg Hicks, September 18) but in doing so, please bring the truth. The fact is that Joe Biden was forced out of the race due to cognitive decline as was born out in the debate. Obama and Pelosi threatened him with the 25th Amendment if he didn’t step aside. This would be played out in public. The next day Biden ‘chose’ to step aside. His announcement was made on ‘X’, and not even on WH letterhead. Many speculate he didn’t even write it.

In an undemocratic way, his party chose who we would vote for. The media made up the line that he stepped aside to ‘save democracy.’ The fact is we are voting for Kamala, whom we’ve never voted for. Seriously, the truth is not hard to find, but it begins by turning the TV off.

Recently Biden showed up at an event that also had Trump supporters attending. He traded hats with a Trump supporter and then put on the red MAGA hat and smiled for the media. Biden was later seen boarding AF1, clutching a red hat in his left hand. Was he sending a message to someone?

Sean ‘P Diddy’ Combs was recently arrested on Human Sex Trafficking and Racketeering charges. He was denied bail. Some say he is the Jeffery Epstein of the Hollywood Music industry. Many, many people are very, very nervous. Some say that when the lid comes off this, it could potentially bring much of Hollywood and the music industry down. Unlike Epstein, they need to keep ‘Diddy’ alive.

The FBI was investigating ‘Diddy’ long before ‘Diddy’ realized he was under investigation. I wonder what they have on him and others. I am interested to see how all this plays out.

Interesting times!

-Glen Pierce Spokane/Cusick

Vote Moody for PUD commissioner

To the editor, Pend Oreille County needs Troy Moody as our Public Utility District Commissioner. Troy has is a successful small businessman who has been worked for years to improve our county and help his neighbors. He has the smarts, experience, and most importantly, the character to provide oversight to our PUD.

He is a superior choice for the position. Mr. Onely is a Manchurian candidate. His comments at The Miner’s candidate forum reaffirm what his actions as commissioner have told us for the last three years — that he is more concerned about getting lower power rates for crypto miners seeking to exploit our county than he is about protecting low power rates for his neighbors and constituents and the financial stability of the PUD. Public records show that Onley is the commissioner that the representatives of the joint venture Cascade Digital Mining call when they want the county residents to subsidize their bitcoin power bill or contract terms that put our county at risk.

Unlike Onley, we can trust Troy Moody to look out for us — those of us who actually make Pend Oreille County our home.

Troy Moody is the only good choice for PUD Commissioner. -Ben Richards Usk

Vote in favor of school levy

To the editor, Critics of the West Bonner County School District’s reduced $1.4 million fall levy bring the fiscal credibility of the board of trustees into question knowing the district needs the previously requested amounts, closer to $4.7 million dollars.

Lowering the amount and making cutbacks is listening to the public. Also, 44 of 47 Seniors graduated last year, 94%. The state uses the number of freshmen the class started with to get to 66%. The turmoil our district has been through has forced many to leave and transfer, which lowers our grad rate. To use any of this as reason to not support a levy is just crazy.

What is not crazy is voting FOR a $1,130,060.00 levy this November. It is not everything the district needs but it is a step in the right direction. It does support Extra/Co-curricular activities, two buses, child nutrition, curriculum, snow removal, ½ clerk, ½ custodian, and needed software/technology. Since the ballot deadline the district has earned a 3-year grant that will pay for the Student Resource Officer of the district. This reduces the levy by $80,550.00. However, even before that reduction, the levy was $23.00 per $100,000 of assessed value. If your property’s tax assessed value is $1.5 million or less, this levy costs less than a $1 a day. The alum voting against would pay less than $0.54/ day. If you’re are unwilling to pay less than a $1/day to help educate, feed, transport, keep safe, provide sports and invest in local children you may see at the store, have parents that use your business, or could be your providers in the years to come and you wonder what is wrong with the world you should look in the mirror!

-Ernie and Helen Schoeffel Priest River

Vote Johnson for Bonner County commissioner

To the editor, Remember when 8,219 North Idahoans voted Scott Herndon out of office in the May Primary? Fifty-two percent of District 1 voters sent a message to Mr. Herndon that he was out of touch with his constituents and their values. Why would we expect any different representation from a Herndon-endorsed County Commissioner candidate? I’m speaking here of candidate Brian Domke. If a majority of voters voted for change in May, why vote for more of the same Herndon-esque representation in November?

I’ve known Domke’s opponent, Steve Johnson, for years. He is a farmer, a builder, a former teacher, a father of four, and one of the most humble, down-to-earth people I’ve ever met. He is the type of person that always replies to your emails, texts, and calls. His values reflect a love and respect of the rural life: RESPONSIBLE growth, individual freedoms, and financial accountability – just to name a few. Be it his career experience, profound volunteer work, or his personal authenticity, I know of no person more fit for the County Commissioner seat than Steve. Let’s get the Board of County Commissioners back on track – let’s elect Steve Johnson!

For Idaho.

-Emma Stanford Sandpoint

Nothing has been destroyed, so stop saying it

To the editor, We need to discuss political language and how it is being misused to create fear and worry for citizens who vote in our elections.

Trump and his political gang members constantly use “destroyed” in describing political issues. Listening to their comments, one should see our streets looking like Gaza or Ukraine with nothing but rubble from bombed buildings. Or we might see the destruction created by a flood, tornado, landslide, or wildfire.

You can walk out of your home and go into town and compare what you see with what some politicians are calling destroyed. The descriptions won’t match in any way.

You might have seen video of the bridge collapse in Baltimore. That’s what destruction looks like. Another example is saying our economy is destroyed. Check your retirement accounts and other financial indicators. Go to the bank and see if your money has been destroyed and is gone. It’s likely that your funds have grown. Republicans were in charge when our accounts lost over 50% in 2008. Perhaps you have noticed that your home value is way up. At least our County Assessor thinks so.

We never hear that something has been harmed or adversely affected. It’s always total destruction. After taking office, note that the winners point to how well everything is going just because they got elected.

The forecast that our country will no longer exist if Trump isn’t elected needs to be tested as the same words will be said during the next election. MAGA assumes that our country isn’t great today and that it’s a former shell of itself. Saying and doing are vastly different concepts. National Republicans are riding a three-election losing streak using the same “destroyed” playbook. Look at your window and see that nothing has been destroyed. US-2 is even being repaved.

-Pete Scobby Newport


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