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Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 6:44 PM
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Important to check who funds ‘media’

To the editor, I agree with Glen Pierce about the media (Opinion, Dec. 25), both Mains Stream and Social. They are all doing a disservice to Americans. And I agree that there are many good investigative journalists out on the internet that report objectively.

The task we must all endure is to find them. Not only find them, but vet them by finding out who funds them and their target audience to use own common sense to identify their objectivity. That’s why I don’ agree with your last paragraph.

You used The Heartland Institute and Rasmussen as your source. Come the find out the Heartland Institute is an American conservative and libertarian 501(c)(3)nonprofit public policy think tank known for its rejection of both the scientific consensus on climate change and the negative health impacts of smoking. Rasmussen Reports is just a polling organization public opinion.

Is it any wonder these organizations would come up what might be considered flawed studies to support Trumpism.

Glen, why don’t you stop looking only for institutions that support your opinion bubble, and actually help people get more informed! I take that back, you actually helped me get more informed. I actually investigated the two institutions. Thanks.

-Budd Colucci Newport

Trouble in DC?

To the editor, Trump won the election but will he actually make it to the WH? A recent Op-Ed in ‘The Hill’ said that Congress should block him from taking office. They are suggesting that Congress nullify the election and install Kamala as President. I don’t think this will work, but they’re trying. They’re also considering the 14th Amendment to stop him. Trump has to get past J6 first. There are reports that they will try to ‘delay’ certification. If they could delay it past the 20th, then the inauguration would need to be postponed. They’re pulling all the stops. The circus in DC is in full swing. Don’t let anything surprise you between now and January 20th. If he gets in, they know their way of life is over. They know he will drain their swamp.

Putin discovered US Bio-labs in Africa. They allege that they are funded by the Gates and Clinton Foundations. Russia also discovered that Hunter’s company ‘MetaBiota’ had been smuggling Ebola samples out of Africa in 2014. Remember Hunters pardon?

Joe commutes death sentences on 37 out of 40 Federal inmates. Jack Smiths team is lawyering up (they were illegally prosecuting Trump). The ‘Hunters’ have become the ‘Hunted.’

Trust in the mainstream media is at an all-time low, around 30%. A report stated that ‘When those responsible for preserving the public trust betray their sacred duty, the impact is profound. It’s an end to an era.’

Trump effect: Mexico will open shelters for deported migrants by January 20th. Remember when Trump trolled Trudeau about making Canada the 51st state and Justin could be governor? Apparently Canadians want that to happen. Kevin O’Leary (Shark Tank) is flying to Mar-a Lago to negotiate with Trump. Kevin thinks it’s a great idea.

-Glen Pierce Spokane/Cusick

Someone is whispering in Trump’s ear

To the editor, We have a new year and I hope that 2025 will bring good things to everyone. No need to think about transgender issues, voter fraud or immigrants eating cats and dogs as Trump won. Having Trump win has erased all pre-election concerns we had about those issues.

So, what do we want to think about in 2025? So far it looks like self-appointed President Musk wants to buy Greenland, invade Panama to take back the canal, and make Canada our 51st. state. I don’t know if Musk told Trump to say those things, but someone is whispering in Trump’s ear.

When mainstream media plays a Trump video, it’s not some conspiracy theory driven fake news as suggested by a couple of our regular letter writers. Trump speaks and we are told his words are taken out of context. We just hear what he is saying in Trump English and of course he is just joking or didn’t mean it. One letter writer must think that CSPAN is MSM lying to us. Somehow putting a camera on Trump and letting him speak is fake news.

Yes, when a congressman shows a fellow congressman pictures of his sexual exploits and drug use, he’s being treated unfairly by MSM. When the Secretary of Defense nominee says on camera that women don’t belong in combat, he must have been taken out of context as around 3,800 women are in combat roles and met the same standards as men.

When the nominee for Secretary of Human and Health services says that Measles vaccines cause autism, he (like one letter writer) went on the internet repeating the words of a former Playmate of the Year with an autistic child. She is his medical expert and that is what our farright opinion writers call “doing your own research.”

-Pete Scobby Newport


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