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Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 6:21 PM
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Sea Change

To the editor, 

The color revolution, a form of psychological warfare, is one of the CIA’s well-honed “dirty tricks” to destabilize a country.

The Pentagon justifies these tactics as cheaper and less destructive than kinetic war. Operators play both sides of every conflict, every crisis, every debate, in service to the ultimate goal of consolidating power. When caught, they simply bury the truth and dismiss critics as “conspiracy theorists.” The human cost appears to be nothing more than a line item on their geopolitical spreadsheet. However, the tide may be turning.

Recently, NATO had been salivating over another Russia border country for a strategic military presence. Georgia has been suspiciously plagued by social unrest during an election year. Reportedly, the unrest was sparked when the US Carnegie Foundation objected to a newly- passed law requiring funding transparency for NGOs operating in Georgia. Perceiving this as hazardous for the West and unacceptably favorable for Russia, it appears they instigated a protest, as evidenced by a photo in an NYT article purportedly showing a “student” holding a protest sign conveniently in English for Western media. Despite frenetic media escalation of protests into a national uproar, Georgia unexpectedly triumphed over NATO by electing their preferred candidate, defeating plans to drag Georgia into the Russia Proxy War.

Similar tactics may possibly be used against US citizens. What better way to undermine the MAGA Movement, for example, than to instigate infighting?

What started as a “passionate debate” recently on X was abruptly shut down when Elon Musk suspended the accounts of people criticizing his support for H1-B visa hires. Smelling conflict, the media smear machine gleefully hyped the issue into a heated national scandal. Then, surprise!

Musk unexpectedly admitted the system was indeed broken and suggested two simple fixes, instantly deflating the “war.”

A glimmer of hope?

-Kamori Cattadoris 


Secure Rural Schools is vital for local children

To the editor, The January 1, 2025, Newport Miner carried a front-page story explaining that one of the last actions of the Republican controlled House of Representatives was to NOT pass funding to continue a 24-year-old program that supports rural schools, roads, law enforcement and more. Rural counties were receiving this money because they contain Federal lands that do not contribute taxes to, for example, the local school districts. Pend Oreille County is one of 25 counties in Washington that will feel the impact of the missing $18,000,000 for Washington state.

Newport School District (NSD) is already experiencing a drain on its resources. The state of Washington underfunds NSD in several significant areas. An example is the cost of required insurance and utilities that have increased an average of 30% per year over the past 4 years.

In NSD more than 18.9% of students qualify to receive Special Education services but the state caps its reimbursement for those services at 16%. Since schools have a legal obligation to serve ALL Special Education students, the district is left making up the difference and Special Ed is expensive.

Pupil transportation is the third request our local school district is putting to the Washington State Legislature. The current transportation formula does not adequately project the costs nor lead to full reimbursement to meet the needs of our students.

Thus, in addition to underfunding by the state, rural districts will now be faced with significantly fewer Federal dollars thanks to Republican infighting at the Federal level. Who will volunteer to work for our public schools? Who will write to their state and Federal representatives and tell them that education matters? Who will show their support for rural schools and keep showing it as long as there are children in Pend Oreille County? I will.

-Martha Nichols 


A year in review

To the editor, 2024 went by quickly in my opinion. Let’s look back on some of the things we learned. We learned that the COVID vax had serious harmful side effects including death. The FL Surgeon General called for the vaccinations to cease. The Red Cross doesn’t want vaxed blood. Astra Zeneca admits that the vax is defective. IVM and HCQ are shown to be effective treating COVID.

Vax EUA’s? 9th Circuit rules the “vax” is not a vax.

Most of Trumps court cases are falling apart. Jack Smith’s team is lawyering up. They admitted to tampering with evidence in Trumps doc case. Fani Willis, DA in GA who hired her lover, has now been referred to the DOJ for colluding with the WH to go after Trump. January 2024, NBC had an article saying “the establishment is considering a military coup if Trump gets reelected.” He’s not in the WH yet. Special Prosecutor finds Biden “willfully” took classified docs but shouldn’t be prosecuted because of age. An Appeals Court found Trump has no immunity only to be reversed by the Supreme Court. Liz Cheney is referred to the FBI over J6 committee.

We learned that the CIA built 12 spy bases and Russia uncovered 40 bio-labs in Ukraine.

Hunter was involved in several of those labs. Russia found bio-labs in Africa with potential ties to Gates/Clinton. Hunter’s laptop is legit. Russia is investigating top US officials for funding terrorism in Ukraine.

We now know the FBI planted evidence in the Mar-a-Lago raid.

They were also authorized to use “deadly force” in the raid. The FBI prioritizes J6 grandmas over J6 pipe bombers. The FBI arrested Blaze Media reporters over J6. It seems some three letter agencies need some cleaning.

What will 2025 bring? Accountability and truth, I hope.

-Glen Pierce 


Letters should be based on personal experience

To the editor, How about letters discussing real life experience over the usual repeating of misinformation news copied and disguised as a thoughtful opinion.

In the summer of 1976, my wife and I were in our nation’s capital for the first time. Around 6 p.m., we were walking by one of the secondary White House gates and heard several vehicles starting up. We walked back to the gate and out came the presidential motorcade. The president’s limo passed within 20’ of us and we recognized President Carter and his wife in the back seat. We waved and got a wave back. The Carter’s (RIP) were on their way to an event at the Kennedy Center. Today, such an encounter isn’t possible as that street and sidewalk are off limits to the public. That short encounter is the best example of a free America where any citizen can view the person leading our country.

A few years later I was back in DC with some fire chiefs to attend a training seminar at the National Fire Academy. We were taking in the sights and found ourselves at what I call the protest fountain outside the WH fence. Suddenly a man stepped forward and ordered us to move to the side as the presidential helicopter approached and flew right over our heads. It landed and out walked President Reagan and waved.

A couple of weeks after 9-11, I was back in DC for a professional society board meeting. I drove by the Pentagon and could see the damage from the airliner flight into the side of the structure. Most street corners had an armed soldier standing guard.

America isn’t just a collection of social media memes intended to divide us against each other.

We need letters based on personal experiences over repeating misinformation.

-Pete Scobby 



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