MOSES LAKE — The Newport High School equestrian team finished its first meet of the season last weekend, with junior Hailey Long and Evelyn Dahlin placing second in working pairs.
The meet took place Thursday, March 13 to Sunday, 16 at Moses Lake, with some events starting as early as 7 a.m. and as late as 9:30 p.m.
All six of the team’s members attended the meet — juniors Hailey Bolyard and Long, as well as freshmen Alyssa Dahlin, Evelyn Dahlin, Adalyn Hamilton and Zion Coote.
They competed in team sorting, team versatility, in-hand obstacle relay, Canadian flags, working fours drill and working pairs.
The Newport team placed third in Canadian flags and fourth in working fours drill. Each member also competed as individuals in other events.
Bolyard placed third in keyhole, fourth in steer daubing, fifth in reining and ninth in barrels.
In addition to placing second in working pairs with Evelyn Dahlin, Long and Bolyard placed seventh in team sorting. Long also won eighth in trail and 12th in barrels.
Alyssa Dahlin placed sixth in keyhole, ninth in pole bending, 10th in figure eight and 12th in trail equitation. Evelyn Dahlin also placed ninth in working rancher and individual flags and 11th in keyhole to go with her second place finish in working pairs with Long.
Hamilton placed seventh in reining, 11th in stock seat equitation, 26th in pole bending and 33rd in barrels.
Coote placed third in Canadian flags, 10th in trail equitation, 15th in keyhole and 20th in individual flags.
Bolyard, Long and Alyssa Dahlin also placed third in Canadian flags.
Amanda Hammer, team advisor and Sadie Halstead Middle School teacher, wrote in an email that the students represented their school with “great sportsmanship, great effort and a persevering attitude which made me proud.”
She recognizes the support of the student’s families, some of whom volunteer to run two to three events per meet. Hammer and the coaches, who this year include Amanda Knutson, Garret Hammer, Audry Henning and Kayden Miller, are also volunteers.
The season started on Sept. 1 and may last into June depending on the team’s performance.