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Monday, September 16, 2024 at 11:22 PM
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To the editor, Recently in New York a young man named Win Rozario was killed after calling 911 in personal, mental distress with his mother and brother in the apartment next to him. This will be investigated according to NYPD, (probably for two years). I have no opinion as to fault, you couldn’t pay me enough to be a policeman of any sort and I have sympathy for all involved. NYPD announced “There is much work to be done.” I think that is an overworked phrase being reused for so many years, it is almost sadly comical for them to say that.

During crisis such as tornadoes, hurricanes and recent years shootings, how many times have we heard, “We must make sure this never happens again.” I am afraid that phrase is just plain worn out, I don’t need to hear it anymore. There are 50,000 to 60,000 container ships on the ocean at any one time, are we going to make sure with that statement one never hits a bridge again? Preposterous!

To be happy I just ignore what I can’t change. That piece of toast I had this morning with my coffee was the best toast ever, my homemade coffee was great, though Starbucks may disagree. As Carly Simon sang “These are the good old days,” so they are. She was right on! Spring flowers blooming, fishing season open, sunny days, birds returning to the nesting boxes, The Plant Man is back, Milwaukee tools were on sale, lambing and calving season is here, the Bullfrogs are up in my pond, as are my Peas and Carrots up in the garden. All those things make me happy and everyone has a similar list, please cash it in and enjoy life every day!

-Roger Castle Newport

Dr. Renk, Express Care top


To the editor, After reading your article on the Express Care clinic at Newport Health I have to comment on my experience. The middle of March I began experiencing pain and bloating below my breast bone. It was after 3 p.m. on Friday afternoon, and I had just recently heard about the new Express Care, so I called to ask if I could be seen.

I was told if I could be there before 4:30 p.m., no problem. Living a good 25-30 minutes away, my husband drove as I suffered and we arrived shortly after 4 p.m.

P.A. Eric Renk saw me and ordered blood work and advised some food items which should be more soothing to my stomach as he suspected gallbladder problems, after which we could stop at the store and go home.

After arriving home, I was just getting into my pajamas when the phone rang and Mr. Renk told me to get back to the ED post haste. It turned out I was having an acute pancreatitis attack and subsequently spent two days in the hospital, after which I was scheduled to have my gallbladder, the culprit in all this, removed.

All this to say that I my experience with PA Renk, Express Care, and subsequently all the staff was top notch.

-Patty Conway Usk

Granny Caravan for Unity


To the editor, Your Lifestyle section featured the Granny Caravan for Unity – a group promoting unity and registering voters. They wear purple (the combination of red and blue) to “bring people together.” Then, they made a negative statement about Trump. Talk about hypocrisy! They just can’t help themselves.

-Lorraine & Ben Kirkpatrick Newport

Putin, Netanyahu must be stopped from within

To the editor, Vladimir Putin and Benjamin Netanyahu won’t let anything stop their abhorrent killing of innocent civilians. Putin justifies massacring Ukrainians by gross disinformation. Netanyahu justifies annihilating Palestinians by Hamas’s horrific Oct. 7 attack which, of course, deserved strong response.

Any chance of stopping the two will probably have to happen internally. Internal resistance to Adolf Hitler’s atrocities was exemplified by world-renown German Christian Dietrich Bonhoeffer who felt God’s calling to help assassinate Hitler. Author of the Evangelical Christian classic, “The Cost of Discipleship,” Bonhoeffer paid the ultimate cost — executed by Hitler.

Hopefully, the carnage can end without assassinating the autocrats. To avoid harsh retribution, organized Russian or Israeli groups resistant to Putin or Netanyahu would have to lie low. Both leaders have extensive opposition from within, as shown by huge Russian turnouts protesting dissident Alexei Navalny’s death and longtime massive Israeli protests against Netanyahu’s corruption and power-grabbing.

Many Americans are understandably upset at President Joe Biden’s lukewarm, tardy criticism of Netanyahu. However, those threatening to not vote for Biden should re-evaluate.

Among Biden’s accomplishments: Funding IRS to audit rich tax cheats; expanding benefits for toxic-exposed veterans; protecting reproductive rights; increasing middle-class wages, exceeding inflation; creating most jobs ever; rallying world support for Ukraine; taming COVID pandemic; appointing first ever Public Defender/Black woman Supreme Court justice; expanding health insurance; and rebuilding our long-neglected infrastructure.

Donald Trump wants to be dictator; is a convicted felon; opposes Ukraine aid; admires Putin and Netanyahu; will appoint only political lapdogs; and exercise harsh retribution against past and present opposition. If you believe him, his scapegoats would surely be immigrants and likely persons of color.

And the zeal of Trump’s voter base is frightening: Many White Americans who self-identify as “Evangelical Christians” have abandoned Christ for idolatry of Trump, violating the Second of the Biblical Ten Commandments.

-Norm Luther Spokane

Thank you Trustees Reinbold and Nash

To the editor, WBCSD trustee position is a volunteer position with no money attached. Their meetings are long and draining. The last one went from 6-10 p.m. Kudos for our trustees! Yet, paying home bills needs to come first.

Noteworthy, is the interest and concern that Trustee Reinbold and Trustee Nash have for suicide prevention programs for our students. Trustee Reinbold was looking forward to the ASSIST event, and scheduled a concrete pouring for Thursday so he could attend it on Friday.

But, as construction timelines go, it was rescheduled for Friday. He is the bread winner and known for his strong work ethics. Yet, his interest for the students has not waned.

Trustee Nash is also a volunteer Treasurer for a community group, which involves monthly reports to the state as well as accounting. She wanted to take the ASSIST event as well, but was overbooked with other meetings and not able to attend. Perhaps the other seven who registered, but did not attend, had similar pressing situations.

Let’s thank both Trustee Reinbold and Trustee Nash, for reaching out to Panhandle Health District. They are offering to school districts a toolkit for substance abuse, mental health and suicide prevention. Their Suicide Prevention and Youth Education Specialist is offering training for teachers and staff.

They also offer student intervention programs with three amazing books from their resource library. This is all FREE of charge.

Stay tuned for more information on these amazing programs that Trustee Reinbold and Trustee Nash are pursuing. Oh! And don’t be shy to shake their hand when you see them!

-Maureen Paterson Priest River

Voters are flirting with authoritarianism

To the editor, Since the terrorist attacks of 911, governments militarized police, and citizens were told to report suspicious activity.

However, it is dangerous for citizens to report other citizens to a militarized authoritarian government. The militarized police are dispatched with the duty to find a crime or escalate a minor infraction into a larger crime. They arrest citizens for minor traffic or civil misdemeanors.

The escalated charge is resisting or interfering with an officer’s investigation. Poorly trained officers often violate constitutional rights.

Fortunately, most police officers carry body cameras and citizens have cell phones or other recording devices. Reviews of videos often expose police abuse and brutality. Local governments are sued when police violate civil rights and courts award compensatory damages over officer misconduct.

Police officers have a difficult job, and we give them lethal force powers. Such power must have limits and restrictions. Not every officer can manage that responsibility, setting the stage for potential abuse.

In 2023 police shot and killed 1,161 people while 47 officers were shot and killed.

We dress up officers like soldiers and send them to battle the enemy which is the citizens they serve. We call it the war on drugs or crime. In a war it is kill or be killed.

This election year voters are flirting with authoritarianism. Recall what happens to citizens who resist government authority. The police can be used against groups and classes of people. They will come for them and at some point, they could come for you. Democrats forced healthcare and clean drinking water on you.

The authoritarian MAGA party passed laws to totally regulate your life and what you must believe. Voting for Trump will have us living in a country like Russia. Trump like Putin knows how to eliminate his political opponents using his authoritarian government.

-Pete Scobby Newport


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