Teresa Louise Catlin
Teresa Louise Catlin

Teresa Louise Catlin, 69, of Priest River, passed away July 2 3, of pancreatic cancer.
She was born June 9, 1955, in Kingsburg, Calif., to Eleanor (Rusty) Arnold (Catlin) and Harold (Hal) Arnold.
She and Roger Lindsay were married from 1982-1989, marrying in Moscow, Idaho.
Teresa graduated from California Polytechnic University in 1973. She earned a B.S. in Animal Science from the University of California Davis in 1977. She received a B.S. in Forest Resources from the University of Idaho, Moscow in 1993.
She received an M.S. as a Registered Nurse in 2008 from the University of Washington in Seattle; and became a Family Nurse Practitioner in 2011, from Washington State University in Spokane.
Teresa began her early career working for the University of Idaho in Moscow’s cattle research lab. After her second degree she began a career as a USFS Forester on the Colville National Forest and eventually became the district ecologist for both the Colville and the Idaho Panhandle NF. She enjoyed working in the fire organization, first as a member of a 20 person hand crew, and then as part of fire management teams, travelling as far as Alaska and Louisiana with her team.
After completing her training to become a Nurse Practitioner, Teresa worked for Kaniksu Health Services at the clinic in Priest River, Idaho, for several years.
She then moved to Naknek, Alaska, and spent seven years as the Nurse Practitioner for the Camai Clinic in remote Bristol Bay. She retired to work part-time in 2021, spending several months a year in Alaska and the remaining time at home in Priest River.
Teresa loved gardening, skijoring with her dogs, and quilting. She also loved spending time with her family and especially her grandchildren. She had recently bought 20 acres north of Priest River and often wandered the property, making plans to improve forest health and revive the hay fields.
Teresa was active in the Society of American Foresters and was voted Forester of the Year in 1998, then served as President of the Regional chapter.
Teresa is survived by her siblings Shane Riley and Sharon Riley, her sons Cole Lindsay and Blake Lindsay and three grandchildren.
After her cancer diagnosis, Teresa often told people that she felt her life was well-lived and well-enjoyed. Although her time came too soon, she spent her last year doing what she loved and died peacefully in her home, surrounded by family.